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General School Policies

Code of Conduct

The Academy Dance Studio states that any unacceptable behaviour will not be tolerated, either within the Dance Studio or at any event/performance where The Academy is being represented.

Unacceptable behaviour may result in the pupil's exclusion from the school. Unacceptable behaviour will not be tolerated off parents/carers or other family members and could result in parent/carers or family members been banned from events/performances. 

Unacceptable behaviour includes - swearing, spitting, fighting and derogatory comments towards others.

Most importantly whilst at examinations/performances/events you are all ambassadors and representatives of The Academy and we expect you to behave in a manner showing this.

You are encouraged to fully support your school and the dancers within it.

Should any issues arise that are a cause for concern, please let Sam know and we will deal with the situation appropriately.

Class Etiquette

• Arrive on time

• Wear the appropriate footwear and dance wear

• Act in a polite and well mannered fashion towards teachers and students

• No food in the studio

• Only capped water bottles allowed in the studio

• Ask if need permission to leave during a lesson

• No bad language to be used 

Public Insurance Liability

The principal of The Academy has public liability insurance and the certificate is displayed in the waiting room. Any locum teacher who teaches classes will be either covered via this insurance or will have their own personal insurance. 

Late Policy 

If your child is more than ten minutes late then they will not be allowed to participate in the class as we will have warmed up by this point and it is not safe for your child to join a class without warming up. 

Uniform Policy 

After attending the dance school for one month you will be expected to wear the correct dance uniform. Students need to ensure they are wearing The Academy uniform to lessons, which can be brought directly from our online stores, (Sainsburys ballet shoes are not accepted). To ensure health and safety is met during lessons students should not wear jewellery, tie their hair back and not chew gum during lessons. 

Break Policy 

I am aware that some students have breaks and sometimes get dropped off early and like to wait before their lessons start. I am happy for this to continue as long as parents understand that I am not responsible for them during this time. I would certainly advise that younger students are not left by themselves during break times. The dance school is not responsible for any items or valuables during lesson times. 

Collecting your child

All parents/carers must come into the studio to collect their child if they are under 12yrs. Young children will not be allowed to go down into the car park by themselves, it is also not the responsibility of assistant teachers to walk students out to the car parks. 

Possible bad weather disruptions or cancellation of classes

In the event of bad weather I will make a decision as early as possible as to cancel dance or not. Notices will be sent out via text and email. Notices will also be put on the school website and Facebook. The above procedure will also apply if lessons are cancelled for any other reason. A full refund will be given for any cancelled classes.

Attending other dance schools

I am happy for students to participate in other dance or performing art opportunities outside of the dance school. However, I would strongly advise students do not take lessons in the core subjects at other dance schools and also at mine as this causes confusion for the child as the techniques used may conflict. The core subjects are Ballet, Tap and Jazz and Theatre Craft. I also need to be made aware if your child is attending another dance school as it affects the pin number I give them for examinations. If your child’s commitments to another dance establishment starts to conflict with the ethos of The Academy your child will be asked to consider giving up lessons at one of the establishments. 


If you wish to see copies of the principal’s DBS check please ask. Other qualifications can be found in the waiting area.

Waiting Areas

All people using the waiting areas need to show respect to all other members of the school. Please ensure that your conversations are child friendly and no student should overhear bad language or swearing. 

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